Revival meetings will have an emphasis on worship and proclamation of the Word.




ARISE Outreach Event

June 17-19

ARISE outreach event Friday evening through Sunday evening, June 17-19 at the two large pavilions in Island park in Wellsville, NY.  This weekend will feature special worship services.

Come to this regional event on the banks of the Genesee River on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings with the main service beginning at 6:00 p.m. with local evangelist Karl Hoyer. Youth activities are being planned before the Sat. evening service.

Enjoy a pot luck meal on Sunday– gather at 4:30 p.m. with the meal starting promptly at 5:00 followed by a cooperative baptism event in the river prior to the evening service.

These outdoor gatherings are under the direction of Mission Genesee Valley. The intent is to serve the body of Christ in these challenging times and to help people encounter Jesus.


ARISE Camp Meeting

September 9-11

ARISE Camp Meeting Friday evening September 9 through Sunday Evening September 11.  This event will take place at Penn-York Camp in Ulysses PA.  You are invited to come for the whole weekend or just evenings.  Lodging, meals and campsites available with a variety of camp activities. This event is cosponsored with the Ulysses Area Ministerium and Mission Genesee Valley.

Interested in planning and praying with us?

In I Corinthians 12:4-7 we see in the text that in the Kingdom of God there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are varieties of service, but the same Lord. There are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.

There is an opportunity to use our various gifts, acts of service, and creative energy to produce Christ-centered and spirit-filled activity that will draw people out of darkness and bring them into the light. They will come from a place of no relationship with Jesus or broken relationship with Jesus to a place of right relationship with Jesus. The purpose of ARISE is to see Almighty God draw men and women of our region to Himself;  He wants to use the gifts, talents, and abilities of believers of the Genesee Valley region to do it.

Following each meeting, there will be a time of prayer and intercession taking place on the site of the revival meetings. Details and information will be made available and updated on the website.

How do you want to help? We have teams for the following.(Required)



Event Recordings

June 19, 2022 ARISE

June 18, 2022 ARISE

June 17, 2022 ARISE

November 14, 2021 ARISE

August ARISE Night #1

Night #2

Night #3

Message Mix


and Ulysses Ministerium

Almighty Reawakening Individual
Souls for Eternity


Worship Mix